Understanding exerciser goals empowers you. Build a deeper relationship with your most active users and encourage those who need your help the most.
How Does it Work?
Information from more than 100 apps and wearables your members are using gives you a glimpse of how they are exercising, in and out of the gym.
Activity Dashboard
You see detailed member activity, including exerciser goals and the apps they use.
Group your exercisers according to their goals and create specific programming based on that knowledge. For example, if you have a group of exercisers training for a 5k, offer them instruction on the best way to train.
Motivate Members
Exercisers who decrease their activity may be “at-risk” and in danger of leaving your facility. Retain alerts you to that decrease so you can provide extra motivation, send class invitation or offer special incentive.
Insights from your Exercisers
Learn how your members stay active in and out of the gym. Use that information to reach out with programming, events and classes that appeal to how they want to work out.